Tag Archives: Vampire


So I got this off my chest finally. Thanks to Lexxa who asked me to do it. I’m not saying it hasn’t crossed my mind, but as you know, my vision of Josh is slightly… tamer. Haha. Nonetheless, I enjoyed making this one… adding the fangs was especially delightful…

(And now I fantasize about the scene where Josh erm Mick StJohn is dying and Beth offers her blood to save his life, and he grabs her arm and…)

NOTE. Wallpaper is exclusive property of Noondarkly aka Krisztina Csiki, and Lexxa aka… well, the one who requested it. 🙂 None other shall use this fanart in any way without my/her/our permission! Please honour this request… I’m usually generous and ask for no credit… this one is not only mine, so… Thank you.